New Fabric!

A JoAnn’s recently opened quite close to my home, and I’ve been dying to get over and check it out. On my way home from work tonight, I stopped by and looked around. What a great feeling…. the store is in perfect order still, being so new, and it was such a pleasure to shop in!

Two fabrics in particular jumped out at me with distinct finished products in mind!


This one I plan to use for long, swishy, full skirt for dancing and such. I find that skirts with lots of different color options get worn more than solid skirts. My quandary is exactly how to make the skirt. I was at first thinking of using triangular shapes to make a fitted at the top/flared at the bottom skirt, but my mom suggested I put the print on the diagonal, and that sounds awesome as well! Any thoughts? The fabric reminds me of something from a Bollywood movie, so anything along those lines as well.

The second fabric I just looooove.




The camera couldn’t quite capture the color. It’s rather in between both pictures.The red is a rich purpley red, the blue a deep. bright royal, and a good amount of the yellow is actually green. I’m thinking an ankle length, empire waist style dress.

I also found a pattern for a dress I bought at TJMax over the summer and have been searching for a pattern ever since. The original dress was a BlueBaily brand, and I wish so badly I had purchased it in all four colors when I saw it. I only bought the bright pink and when I wore it a week later, realized how flattering the design was and went back to get more, they were all sold out. 😦  Sadly, it’s a rather poor quality fabric, and after only 4 wearings, the fabric is already pilling quite badly on the lower half, so I need to make more out of better quality fabric.

Anyway, the pattern is Simplicity 3503 and it is the cream colored dress I’m going for. The inspiration dress was in bright pink, with the waist made from elastic thread with a multicolored diamond pattern added in. So, the next pattern sale, I plan to pick it up!